Affordable Payment Options for Broken and Missing Teeth

Single Implant Starting as low as


for those who qualify
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Restore Your Confidence And Uncover Your Best Smile

Do you have broken or missing teeth that you would like to replace?

Has it been years since you’ve been to the dentist and you’re embarrassed or afraid?

Are you suffering from the pain of broken, cracked teeth or a loose denture?

Are you nervous that you won’t be able to afford the treatment you deserve and feel like giving up?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, take a deep breath because YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE.
Newton Street Dental offers convenient monthly payment options available for those who qualify
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Step 1 of 2


We offer multiple solutions to restore your smile.
Single Implant
Ideal for a Single Missing or Broken Tooth. Say goodbye to gaps and spaces.
Multiple or Scattered Missing Teeth
No Problem! We will place a single implant or a bridge to give you the function and aesthetics you desire.
Two or Three Unit Bridge
If you have multiple adjacent missing teeth; a screw-retained bridge is a great fixed solution to restore your smile.
Full Arch
This procedure is where you replace one arch or row of teeth, or you could be replacing all of your teeth. This procedure is permanent and nonremovable.
Affordable Financing
starting as low as


*dependent upon credit score and total amount of treatment.
CALL US NOW! OR complete the request form
* Monthly payments quoted above are for well-qualified patients. We offer many payment plans and options that make implants quite affordable at low monthly rates. If your credit score is average or even slightly below, we can help you apply online with a third-party financing company, and you’ll receive an instant decision in most cases. This pre-qualifying approach is a “soft” credit check. If you don’t qualify, some patients tap a friend, family member, or spouse to co-sign with them for financing. Other alternative options may also be available to you. ° We work with the following financial institutions: Proceed, CareCredit, Lending Club.

Dental Implant Financing

Your Guide to Affordable Restoration


Payment Plans

Dental Implant financing typically offers flexible payment plans that allow patients to divide the treatment cost into monthly installments. The duration of the payment plan may vary depending on the provider and the patient's preference, ranging from several months to a few years.

Competitive Interest Rates

Financing options often come with interest rates applied to the payment plans. These rates can vary depending on the financing provider and the patient's creditworthiness. It's important to carefully review and compare interest rates to ensure you're getting a competitive offer.

Application Process

To apply for Dental Implant financing, patients must usually fill out an application form provided by the financing company. The application process typically involves providing personal and financial information, including income details and credit history. Some financing options may require a credit check, while others may have more lenient criteria.

Approval Process

Once the application is submitted, the financing provider will review the information and decide on approval. The approval process can vary in duration, with some providers offering quick decisions and others taking more time for assessment.

Customized Financing

Dental implant financing options often offer flexibility to tailor the payment plans to the patient's financial situation. This customization may include adjusting the repayment period or choosing a plan that aligns with the patient's budget and preferences.
Newton Street Dental has consultations available RIGHT AWAY. Please call us so we can discuss your smile.
Book A Consultation To See If You Qualify
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Meet your Smile Magician

Dr. Douglas Leigh

Dr. Douglas Leigh completed his undergraduate studies in Biology from the State University of New York at Stony Brook and a dental degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo. Dr. Leigh is deeply committed to continuing education and offering a welcoming and comfortable experience for patients of all ages at Newton Street Dental.

  • One of the industry's most highly trained teeth replacement experts with years of experience placing thousands of implants
  • Uses the latest technology, so the pain is minimal and the surgery is FAST
  • Offers anesthesia and sedation capabilities so you can go to sleep, wake up, and have the brand-new smile you’ve always wanted
Schedule Your Consultation Now ›
Watch the Video to Learn More about Dental Implants with Dr. Leigh

Reclaim Your Smile!
See Dr. Leigh’s Amazing Results:

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Honestly the BEST dentist I've ever been to! He reassured me through the whole process and helped me out with financing. The staff are friendly, calming and just great. I suffer from dental phobia. I will always come here. I'd give them more stars 🌟if I could."
-Rico R.

Dental Implant Office

488 Newton Street
South Hadley, MA 01075

Office Phone

Current Patients and General Office Information:

Implant Hotline

New Dental Implant Patients:
A credit card is required to schedule your appointment.

Office Hours

Monday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed